The Sustainability Standards Comparison Tool helps evaluate the performance of standards against user-defined preferences, benchmarks and each other.
When —
January 2014
What —
Online comparison tool
Client —
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Bonn
My role —
Data visualisation & interface design
Agency —
Bureau for Digital Good, Berlin
The Sustainability Standards Comparison Tool is an initiative of ISEAL, the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) and the UN International Trade Centre (ITC).
The SSCT covers a wide range of social and environmental standards from the consumer goods sector, such as food, textiles and IT.
It also measures the credibility of a standard by looking at good practice in scheme management, standard setting, assurance, claims and traceability.
Businesses, governments and others are increasingly seeking clarity on how sustainability standards perform and compare. The SSCT will enable in-depth analysis and comparison based on all available criteria.
For each of these product groups, it analyses the extent to which standards address relevant environmental issues, such as water use, soil fertility and chemical use, and relevant social issues, such as freedom of association, forced labour and discrimination.
Together with the Bureau, I developed an easy-to-use front-end to the rather complex underlying algorithms. In order to be able to see and make sense of the wealth of data generated, I visualised everything in a beautifully simple and understandable way.

I experimented quite a bit with circular bar-charts, sunburst- and radar-charts to be able to display and compare multivariate observations with an arbitrary number of variables.